12 ideas for photo frames

Here we propose several ideas for you to make your own photo frames and highlight those beautiful moments that you love so much.

Photo frames are extremely important as they will help make the image stand out. In addition, they take care of it from dust, scratches and other possible damage over time.

We all like to keep at least a couple of special photos(or more) somewhere where we can look at and enjoy them.

If you want to take advantage of your photographs to beautify an already decorated space, we recommend that you take advantage of the ideas that we are going to tell you about. They will be very useful when giving a creative, fresh and unique touch in your personal spaces.

To make your own photo frames, you don’t have to spend a lot of money. In fact, it is better to take advantage of the disused materials that you can have on hand in your home, room or office. Thus, we protect the environment, promote our economy and promote creativity. 

How to make your own photo frames

1. Bottles

If you have glass bottles in your house that you no longer need, wash them very well to clean up any residue and place the photographs inside. You can decorate the bottles with another useful material, such as a necklace that you no longer use. When using disused or recycled materials, the possibilities are many and you just have to let your imagination run wild.  

2. Boxes

Not sure what to do with your new shoe box? Well, cut it out and adapt it to the size of your photograph. Then paint it and decorate it to your liking. This way you give free rein to your imagination by decorating with paintings and stamps of many colors.

3. Paper

You will wonder how you can make an original frame for your photos with paper, and it is a great option to carry out your artistic project.

To make it, you will only need a little white glue, water and newspaper. This is one of the most popular and easy DIY techniques out there. Make your own frame with the shape you like: circular, rectangular, triangular, half moon, etc. You can also make cylinders by rolling up pieces of paper and gluing them to the base frame.

Super modern photo frames

 4. Blackboards

Slates are in trend. Since they allow reuse of the surface, it has proven to be a success when it comes to expressing our ideas.

A good way to make your own photo frames with this material is the following: Take a blackboard(the size you want), paste your favorite photos and draw elements around it with chalk. You can also add representative text and voila!

Also, another option is to paint a smooth surface with chalkboard paint. It will automatically transform into a reusable frame to which you can add phrases and chalk drawings.

5. Pencils

Maybe you have pencils colors that do not use anymore. Search among the old school supplies that were left unused. Then place them one on top of the other and make a small square that fits what you want to frame. This idea is excellent to decorate the room of the smallest of the house.

6. Lanyard and clips

One meter of cord can be enough to create a simple, rustic photo frame. This option also allows you to rotate the photos by seasons. 

What you should do is tie a long cord from one end to the other in your home or office. Then you will put the photos you choose holding with tweezers. It’s that easy and subtle, it won’t take you more than ten minutes.

Search your room for other items

7. Acetate discs

Acetate discs are an amazing way to make a frame. If you are a music lover or want to renew your space with a unique idea, cut out your photos as a circle and paste them in the center of the disk. Put the discs on the wall of your bedroom, office or living room.

8. Old semi-damaged books

One of the options that books offer is that they can be used for both photo albums and photo frames. If you decide to use it for an album, you can place a photo on each page.

On the other hand, if you decide to use the book as a frame, you can do the following: Take the book and place a rectangular paper right in the center of the cover. The paper should leave enough space around the 4 margins of the book. 

Next, with the help of a cutter, make a hole right where the rectangle is located. Once ready, you can glue a piece of cardboard on the back, which will be the place where you will support the photograph. And ready!

9. Markers

Another idea for an original frame is to find cardboard in your favorite color and a highlighter. You can write your feelings to that special person who is with you in the photo. And if it’s a self-portrait, why not put the things you like the most about yourself?

Other ideas for photo frames

10. Wood

Those pieces of wood that you have saved and that you have not known how to use them until now, can be an excellent alternative to decorate your photo frames.  Make the shape that you like the most and create a rustic and unusual style. In addition, you will love it if you are a nature lover.

11. Balloons

Are you planning to celebrate someone special’s birthday? Balloons are the perfect decoration for a celebration. And how about using them as a frame for your photos?

At the end of each balloon tie a small thread and glue your photo. Make an original party and display the most important memories you have from your family and friends.

12. Candles

In the jar of your candle stick a photo of your partner. Then c hen light the candle, the image will illuminate. In this way it will give a romantic aspect and will be useful for any activity that occurs to them.

In closing, we want to encourage you to use your creativity. Dare to dust off your imagination to create your own photo frames. Remember that there is a world of possibilities that you have at hand, so think very well before discarding something that you no longer use and make the most of it to decorate your space.

Memories are part of the most precious emotional treasure that we have and what better way than to remember them in a fun and original way that suits your tastes?

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