Ideas to make decorations with wire

With such an easily available item, beautiful decorations can be made in simple steps. You can create the most diverse objects, giving them your personal and unique style.

Wire decorations are an ideal option for making beautiful crafts, since this is a very malleable material and easy to handle. For this reason, it is becoming one of the ecological resources to decorate all kinds of environments.

Wire is a very thin wire of metal that can be silver, iron, brass, copper or aluminum, mainly. Another advantage is that it can be purchased in different colors, thus allowing a greater number of jobs to be carried out.

With several very simple ideas you can make different objects and thus achieve a very original decorative style. Follow each idea step by step and you will not be able to believe everything you can do with a simple piece of wire.

1. Decorations with wire: Christmas star

This idea that we propose consists of making decorations with wire to decorate the Christmas tree or any piece of furniture in the house. In addition, they can be made in different shapes and colors.

We will explain how to make a star, but you can make hearts, clouds and all the shapes that you can think of. It only takes a little imagination to come up with wonderful decorative objects.


  • Sheet of paper(1)
  • Pencil.
  • Colored wire(half a meter)
  • Pliers for cutting wire.
  • Fine molding clamp.

How it is performed

  • First, draw a star on the sheet of paper with the pencil.
  • Then, take the wire and leave it straight(this way it will be easier to handle)
  • Take a point and outline the figure of the star. It can be done manually or with the help of tweezers.
  • When finished, leave the rest of the wire to be used to hang it on the Christmas tree.

2. Decorative tree

Beautiful decorative trees can be made using only wire and colored stones. It is recommended that copper wire be used for this work as it is easy to work with, inexpensive and durable.


  • Copper wire(approximately 2 meters)
  • Rule.
  • Cutting pliers.
  • Pressure pliers.
  • Decorative colored stones.
  • Gun and silicone.

How it is performed

  • First, cut 40 50-centimeter strips of wire. To do this use the cutting pliers.
  • Take the 40 strips and leave 10 centimeters to make the roots.
  • Starting at 10 centimeters, start winding the wires to make the trunk. Roll 20 centimeters.
  • Then divide the remaining wires into 3 and roll separately to make the branches. Leave them in different sizes and do not roll more than 5 centimeters.
  • Then more and more finite branches can be made, with less wire.
  • Then place the tree in a small container and glue with silicone.
  • Decorate with stones to cover the roots.
  • Finally, glue the colored stones on all the branches of the tree with silicone.

3. Sign

The last option that we present will be used to create signs with words that you can hang on your wall. You can make them only with wire or cover them with wool. Of course, it is important that the letters are linked to be able to do them continuously, otherwise you must do one at a time.


  • Wire(amount needed depending on the size and length of the floor)
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Cutting pliers
  • Scissors
  • Sticking tape
  • Liquid silicone
  • Wool

How it is performed

  • First, take a pencil and paper and write the word you want to put on the poster. Make it the size and shape that you will want once finished.
  • Take the wire, support it on the first letter and follow its shape.
  • Once the first letter is made, fasten it with tape. This will make it easier to continue.
  • Continue outlining the second letter and, when finished, secure it with tape.
  • Once the word is finished, leave 3 centimeters of wire and cut.
  • Then peel the wire off the paper and flatten it by hand.
  • Next, take the wool and tie it with a knot at one end.
  • Fix the wool to the wire with liquid silicone.
  • Screw the yarn around the wire tightly so that it cannot be seen.
  • When finished, tie a knot and fix it with liquid silicone.
  • Cut off excess wool with scissors.

There are many decorations with wire that you can make at home. Try these that we have presented and, of course, unleash your creativity to make new designs.

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